Design – Fall in Love with Your Home Again!!
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked into a client’s house only to hear them say how frustrated they are with their home.
- I hate my kitchen.
- My bedroom is a mess; it’s a dumping ground for everyone.
- I don’t know what to do with the family room.
On and on it goes. Your home should be a place where you can retreat from this crazy busy world. Not where you come home, and all you see is frustration because it’s not what you envisioned. Does that sound familiar? Who wants to go home to that? No one I know.
Then one day, you decide, “That’s it. I’m redoing this space”. Good for you. Where do you begin? You look at magazines or Pinterest for inspiration.
- Where do I get that sofa?
- That rug?
- That dining table?
- What type of kitchen cabinets should I purchase?
- What’s trending?
But still, you stay optimistic, “I can do this.” Now comes the costly decision process.
- Will that counter go with that backsplash?
- What kind of flooring should I use?
- I like this dining table but not the chairs. What can I do?
- What size area rug should I use?
- What size chandelier should I get for my dining room?
OMG!!!!! Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! And if you make the wrong decision, how much will that set you back? This is where I come in. I take away all that stress, all that worry. I know what’s trending, what’s not. My goal is to give you the home you desire. A place to relax. No more fretting about how you hate the way your house looks.

For each one of my packages, here is what you will receive:
- 2/Hrs Initial Consultation – I will go over all the design elements with you. We go over everything. Nothing is left to chance. Color, style finishes, everything is discussed. Space is measured, and pictures are taken. Say goodbye to the old room.
- Pinterest Boards – I will create boards for you to view your options for each item I select.
- Shopping – All the shopping gets done for you. I can get some unique deals which I’m happy to pass along to you. I take all the guesswork, all the stress away from you. You get to sit back and relax. This includes 6-21 hours of shopping, depending on the package chosen.
- Options – You will 2-3 options for each item.
- One Revisions Set – If you see something you don’t like on your options boards, I can change it for you.
- Mood Board – A sneak peek into what your room will look like. How exciting is that?
- Layout – A layout of the room will be done for you, so there is no guesswork
- Installation – The best part. This is when the magic begins. I come in and complete the room. All the finishing touches are implemented here. It gets done in one day. This includes up to 4 hours of setup.

Final Note from me
Updating your home will not only give you a sense of peace and harmony but will add value to it as well.
- Your home is one of your most significant investments.
- Keeping your home updated will guarantee to add value when it’s time to sell.
I can’t tell you how many times I heard my clients say, “We should have done this years ago.” Don’t wait until you’re ready to sell to update your home, ensuring the buyers are the only ones who get to enjoy what you worked so hard to achieve.
Click the button below if you’re ready to work together.